Week 27 – Laying Off

26 weeks pregnant belly bump

What have I been doing with myself now that I don’t have a job? I’ve had time to do a little more reading, for one. As long as my pregnant belly doesn’t interfere!

I know, I know. The blogs have been posted pretty inconsistent lately. At the end of the year last year, I was laid off due to lack of hours at my job, and with that my access to the internet diminished significantly. No, I wouldn’t blog-on-the-job. My bosses were really cool, down-to-Earth guys, however, and they wouldn’t mind it if I did personal stuff on my lunch break, or if I stayed late to work on a personal project (on my own dime).

I don’t have a computer at home until my husband comes home from work (he uses his on the job). Our days have been so busy, especially with preparations for our baby on the way, that taking a few hours to write in the evening hasn’t always been a top priority. Sometimes you have to let things slide. Sometimes slacking off is good for the home. I am happy to say I have not sacrificed quality family time for you, dear readership, no matter how inconsistent that has made my blogging.

I do enjoy writing for you, though. I do enjoy thinking about our food and being honest and open about the way eating locally has affected us.

In light of our decreased finances, many things have shifted in our budget (one of which is my plans to buy my own computer). One thing that has remained rooted is our commitment to our local CSA. It is still cheaper to buy food from the farm than it is from the store. It is still cheaper and healthier to buy raw ingredients than processed foods, packaged dinners or fast food. We feel stronger and healthier eating veggies, milk and eggs from our local community. And we are confident that we will be raising our baby up on the right nutrients and values, from as early as the womb.

It’s not a hard decision for us to stick with the farm. We feel blessed to have it available, and we refuse to lay them off. Their presence on our plate is too irreplaceable.

By ekwetzel

csa tacoma farm foodWEEK 27 – This week a new thing was started at our CSA: a community box. If you have something in your basket that you don’t like, you can add it to the community box, and replace it with something else that another share member didn’t want. Brilliant! I got extra potatoes and an extra pear!
(Top Row)
Purple Onion
(Middle row)

(Bottom row)
Mustard greens


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