Tag Archives | diet

Week 22 – For the Love of Apples

opal apples pike placeI love apples. If I could only have one type of fruit for the rest of my life, I’d choose apples.  I was raised in upstate New York, and I now live in Washington state; I am an apple region kinda gal. It’s a good thing, too, because we’ll get apples all winter long in the CSA share. I remember: last winter the only fresh fruit from Washington State that we received all winter was apples and pears.  Even so, the apples were so fresh, crisp and delicious…it was easy to love them all winter long.

Other than eating apples raw, I also love to make apple pie, apple cobblers and apple sauce. I remember seeing a cartoon of Johnny Appleseed as a kid; he roamed across America with a silly pot on his head, planting apple trees as if he was proselytizing the ground with good fruit, cooking up apples here in there in dozens of fancy recipes. I would often save the seeds in my apples as a child and imagine that I could toss them wherever I went as a sign of good cheer to the world around me. Apples were magical.

This year, in preparation for apple season, I didn’t buy a single apple all summer. I love apples, but you can get sick of something, even if you love it. In an effort to thwart apple disdain, I thought it would be a good idea to make myself savor and crave them a little more, before reaching a season where they would be a mainstay week in and week out.

Another reason I love apples is that they are a balanced fruit if you have problems with insulin resistance. With the diet I am on, I need o pair most fruits with a protein in order to create balance in my bloodstream. Because of the fiber in apples, as well as the balanced sweetness, I can eat an apple all by itself. No proteins necessary. Although, who could say no to a snack of apples and cheese???

By ekwetzel

csa winter acorn squashWEEK 22

(From bottom left)
Purple Potatoes
Head of Garlic
2 Rutabagas
Curly Parsley
2 Leeks
(In the Center)
Bowl of Pears
Purple Cabbage
Acorn Squash
Bowl of Apples

*Apple photo courtesy of Molly Morris.

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Week 7 – Let’s Talk About Poop

When you select food to go in your mouth, you typically aren’t thinking about how that food will leave your body.  When it comes to eating, the taste experience is only one facet if how the food makes you feel; the journey that food takes through your body has an impact that lasts much longer than the course of one meal.  This “food journey” is just as important as the taste experience that you start from.

This week, in particular, Mr. Wetzel and I have been feeling the difference between eating fresh food and eating fast food.  We’re moving into a new house and fixing the place up all week, and we haven’t had the time to cook fresh meals like we normally would.  We’ve been eating a lot of ready-made meals: pizza, Subway, Quizinos, Starbucks. While a tasty and quick solution, these foods are not as kind to our stomachs or digestive systems as the fresh farm food that we are used to.

We love how farm food tastes.  Because it is high quality and fresh food, no flavors or preservatives provide a manufactured taste.  Nature has many different, unusual and subtle flavors available in its many plants.  I remember when I used to think that chives, scallions, leeks, shallots and onions all had basically the same look and taste. Experience and some amusing cooking experiments have taught me otherwise.

We love how farm food fills us up.  When food is processed, a lot of its fiber is lost. Fiber is one of the main things that triggers the “full response” in your belly.  If you eat more plants, not only are you getting great nutrients from them, but you are also getting a lot of fiber that will help you feel fuller faster. As a result, you’ll not overeat as much.

We love the energy we get from farm food.  I used to think that the “Thanksgiving coma” was a model for how you were supposed to feel after every meal.  Finish everything on your plate. Stuff yourself to the nines. Unbutton your pants, and lay around groaning after each main meal.  That is ridiculous.  We are not meant to eat until we’re stuffed, but until we are fed.  Michael Pollan suggests in his book, In Defense of Food, that we eat slowly (to give our stomachs a chance to tell our brains that we’re full), and that we stop eating when we’re about 80% full.  That’s easy to do when the food we are eating is packed with the fuel that our bodies need. If we aren’t eating lots of excess garbage, we can eat less, feel fuller, and get better energy from the food on our plates.

We love farm food from our guts.  I know that it’s gross to talk about all things poop related, but this is another major aspect of how different fast food make us feel, compared to farm food.  The fabulous fiber in fresh vegetables keeps us regular. When we avoid things like preservatives, greasy foods, and artificial flavors, we get less constipated.  Farm food is gentler on our systems, and works well with our entire digestive experience. From plate to poop, farm food is better for us.

By ekwetzel

WEEK 7 (We’re moving into a new house this week, and the camera was packed in an unknown box, so we had to take the picture with our cell phone.  I bemoan the low pixel quality.)
(Clockwise, from bottom left)
Summer Squash (yellow & speckled green variety)
Red Potatoes
Head of Garlic
(In the Center)
Cherry Tomatoes: Sungold, heirloom variety
4 Peaches
Eggs (again, the farm has new hens, and they are laying smaller eggs this week, so we received 18 eggs instead of the normal dozen)

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