Archive | Darling Original Artwork

Six New Paintings: Newborn Vuk, from Serbian folklore


Wolves survive because they embody a fierceness that frightens their enemies and a passion that sustains their loved ones. According to Vuk Karadžić–the father of the study of Serbian folklore–in this Slavic tradition, a woman who had lost several babies in succession would name her newborn son Vuk (translated: wolf), because it was believed that the witches, who “ate” the babies, were afraid to attack the wolves. (more…)

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Two New Paintings: Sirius, The Wolf Star


According to the Pawnee creation myth, the wolf was the first creature to experience death. The Wolf Star, enraged at not having been invited to attend a council on how the Earth should be made, sent a wolf to steal the whirlwind bag of The Storm that Comes out of the West, which contained the first humans. Upon being freed from the bag, the humans killed the wolf, thus bringing death into the world. (more…)

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Video: How To Paint With Kids, Episode 2

Plan vs Free Form

In this week’s video we answer the following question from Clair:

I would just love to know if you guys have a general idea of what you are going to do or whether you just free form it. We tend to do a theme…like a city or mountains, and then we wing it from there but I’m curious to see how others do it!

Pull your kiddo up into your lap, watch the video, and join us as we make art together!


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